The figures provided below represent the cumulative data as of 2nd June 2023. Supporting People living with HIV During the challenging times of unrest in Manipur, Alliance India […]Read More

In the news, Press ReleaseInclusion – All citizens equal
asaxenaDelhiites show understanding and compassion, as they get included into the talented, multidimensional world of transgenders and Hijras. The 5th annual “Hijra Habba” resonated with its theme of “Inclusion- All […]Read More

In the newsOur identity creates obstacles for us: Transgender activists
asaxenaJuly 4, 2015; New Delhi: For the transgender (TG) and Hijra communities, visibility is the biggest challenge as it invites derision and discrimination from people and compounds their problems. This […]Read More

In the newsVisibility is our biggest challenge, say transgender activists
asaxenaJul 03, 2015; New Delhi: For the transgender (TG) and Hijra communities, visibility is the biggest challenge as it invites derision and discrimination from people and compounds their problems. This […]Read More

In the newsAt Transgender Meet, Minister Says BJP Against Bias on Basis of Sexual Orientation
asaxenaJuly 2, 2015; New Delhi: In an attempt to create a broader platform for issues affecting the transgender community in India, the Delhi-based India HIV/AIDS Alliance organised the Third National […]Read More

In the newsBan Ki-moon: Anti-sodomy laws ‘breed intolerance’
Bini PhilipsU.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday reaffirmed his opposition to laws that criminalize homosexuality. “I staunchly oppose the criminalization of homosexuality,” said Ban during an event in the Indian capital of […]Read More

In the newsThe Unending Nightmare Of Section 377
Bini PhilipsOn the intervening night of 3 and 4 November 2013, while the rest of the country geared up to celebrate Diwali, the lives of 14 individuals in Hassan, Karnataka turned […]Read More

In the newsRallying against violence, discrimination, abuse
Bini PhilipsThe December 11 verdict has made our already vulnerable community even more vulnerable to violence at the hands of police. I was threatened and assaulted so badly for being gay that […]Read More

In the newsHarsh laws stifling India’s HIV response: Experts
Bini Philips“Unsafe injection practices along with low condom use are putting people who inject drugs at dual risk for HIV. We can only successfully intervene and reach those vulnerable and most […]Read More

In the newsHarsh Drug Laws Undermine India’s HIV Response
Bini PhilipsA national consultation was held in New Delhi today to discuss the emerging challenges faced by India’s drug-using communities. Harsh laws, policies and practices that punish drug users only perpetuate […]Read More

In the newsIndia’s AIDS department merger angers activists
Bini PhilipsActivists are concerned about the Indian Government’s decision to merge its AIDS control and health and welfare departments. Shaleen Rakesh, director of technical support at India HIV/AIDS Alliance, said: “We […]Read More

In the newsGovt. to merge Department of AIDS Control with Health Ministry
Bini PhilipsIn a move that has shocked several AIDS experts in the country the Health Ministry has decided to merge the Department of AIDS Control (DAC) with the main Ministry. This decision […]Read More

In the newsBreaking The Binary
indiaaidsallianceThe Supreme Court of India recognised the rights of a two million-strong community that has long been relegated to a life of scorn and humiliation: the transgenders.Read More

In the newsIndia Supreme Court agrees to reconsider sodomy ruling
indiaaidsallianceThe Indian Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would consider a motion to reconsider last December’s controversial ruling that recriminalized homosexuality in the South Asian country.Read More

In the newsGay plea in SC to cite third gender verdict
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Senior counsel Anand Grover will move an application on Monday before the Chief Justice of India seeking to take into account the recent Supreme Court judgment creating the […]Read More

In the newsTransgender community celebrates its recognition as third gender
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: The transgender community celebrated victory in New Delhi on Sunday as the Supreme Court recognised ‘transgender’ as a third gender.This article appeared in ANI news, World News Network, The Indian Republic […]Read More

In the newsNeed equal rights for all gender minorities: Transgenders
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: On December 12 last year, after the Supreme Court set aside a High Court order decriminalising gay sex between consenting adults, activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, reaching out to […]Read More

In the newsLesbians, gays, bisexuals now wait for their turn
indiaaidsallianceHyderabad: The SC verdict, however, does not cover members of other sexual orientations including lesbians, gays and bisexuals.This article appeared in World News Network.Read More

In the news‘Discrimination no longer my favorite word… finally, we have a foot in the door’
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Right to have family by marrying each other, adopt children. This article appeared in Lockerdome, and News Wits.Read More

In the newsIn order, court cites ‘new social needs’
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: The Supreme Court Tuesday ruled transgenders would from now on be treated as a third gender, which is neither male nor female. Read More

In the newsNo more invisible: Hijras celebrate new ‘weapon’
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: “We have been given a weapon to defend ourselves,” Simran Shaikh, a hijra activist of India HIV/AIDS Alliance, said about the SC judgment which has made the third […]Read More

In the newsIndia’s LGBT Community: Don’t Vote BJP
Bini PhilipsIndia’s LGBT community is calling on members to come together during national elections to try to defeat the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). “In the absence of any clarification from the […]Read More

In the newsIndia Marks 10 Years Of Cost-Free ART Program
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: “India completed 10 years of the free antiretroviral treatment (ART) program for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients, now covering 768,000 people. This article appeared in Kaiser Family Foundation news.Read More

In the newsGovt HIV treatment programme completes 10 years
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: India completed 10 years of the free anti-retroviral treatment (ART) programme for Human Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) patients, now covering 768,000 people. This article appeared in Aids portal, Biz […]Read More

In the newsMarking a Decade of Free Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in India
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: More than 300 stakeholders from government, affected communities, media, international agencies, and civil society came together today to mark the completion of 10 years of free antiretroviral treatment […]Read More

In the newsHIV patients fatally shy from TB testing, treatment
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: A health expert said TB testing is vital for HIV patients. The twin stigma of TB and HIV often keeps people away from visiting clinics to learn about […]Read More

In the newsEarly TB Testing is Vital for an Effective AIDS Response
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: World TB Day is observed every year on March 24th. To mark this occasion, India HIV/AIDS Alliance joins the Department of AIDS Control (DAC) and the Central TB […]Read More

In the newsAlliance to create awareness about TB
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Alliance has joined the Department of AIDS Control (DAC) and the Central TB Division (CTD) for creating awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) among […]Read More

In the newsSC verdict will lead to discrimination, violence, say activists
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: As the Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a law banning same-gender sex, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community said they were now vulnerable to “discrimination and […]Read More

In the newsFreedom curbed, courage sapped, hope crushed, gay couples stare at uncertain future
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Holding hands, Arun* and Vijay now share an uncertain future. The law of the land has deemed their status as a couple illegal. Read More

In the newsIndian Court Reinstates Law Banning Gay Sex
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: India’s Supreme Court Wednesday overturned a lower court’s ruling that had decriminalized gay sex, a disappointing surprise setback for the gay-rights movement in this largely conservative country.Read More

In the newsCourt in India criminalizes homosexuality
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: India’s Supreme Court overturned a historic lower-court decision on homosexuality Wednesday, making gay sex a crime in the world’s most populous democracy, with violators facing up to 10 years […]Read More

In the newsBrushed aside: medical evidence, verdict a blow to AIDS prevention efforts, say experts
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: The Supreme Court order upholding a 153-year-old law that effectively criminalises gay sex has ignored scientific evidence that homosexuality is not deviant in any sense, but merely a variation […]Read More

In the newsDelhi: Transgender voters fight hard, demand they be treated equally
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: It is a forgotten community and an almost forgotten vote bank, but nearly 1 lakh transgenders will be voting in Delhi on December 4. They have just one basic […]Read More

In the newsInjecting drug users most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS
indiaaidsallianceAccording to the latest report by the National Aids Control Organisation (NACO), while HIV prevalence in India among the general population stands at 0.40 per cent, HIV prevalence among people who inject […]Read More

In the newsOn HIV: Those slipping through the cracks
indiaaidsallianceBangkok, Thailand : It was a conference where the number zero was the hero – or at least, the target. Read More

In the newsIn the shadows no longer
indiaaidsallianceBackstage at the ramp walk and dance performance by transgender and hijra community members at the second national Hijra Habba in Delhi, two participants await their turn in the spotlight. Read More

In the newsHijra Habba celebrates transgender identities, advocates equality
indiaaidsallianceNovember 15, 2013, New Delhi: More than 200 stakeholders from government, media, international agencies, transgender and hijra communities, and civil society came together today for the second National Hijra Habba […]Read More

In the newsTransgenders demand equality, rights
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Demanding social justice and empowerment, a group of transgenders from all over the country interacted with government stakeholders, media and international agencies here Friday.This article appeared in Zee […]Read More

In the newsOrchids Bloom: Best practices on harm reduction shared
indiaaidsallianceLearnings from Project ORCHID’s pioneering work on harm reduction in northeast India shows that scale up is possible even in resource poor and conflict ridden settings. Read More

In the newsHijra Farsi: Secret language knits community
indiaaidsallianceMumbai: It’s not often that one stumbles upon a secret language floating around the streets of a busy Indian metropolis, least of all a language that has been alive-and-kicking across […]Read More

In the newsTransgender activist, Abhina Aher speaks out
indiaaidsallianceTransgender activist Abhina Aher talks about her journey from being a boy to a woman, her work for the HIV-positive transgender people and The Dancing Queens, the LGBT dance troupe […]Read More

In the newsHIV/AIDS activism helps the marginalized emerge from shadows in India
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Khushi Kumari had long kept her sexuality a secret, living alone like many of this sprawling city’s gay, lesbian and transgender residents.Read More

In the newsThe inner world of Kinnars
indiaaidsallianceFriday was different. In a small corner of the town, sixty different people gathered for a really momentous meet. Read More

In the news‘Even transgenders are entitled to protection by State’
indiaaidsallianceI want to feel safe while I walk down the street. I want men to realize that it is not OK or acceptable to pass lewd comments on me and […]Read More

In the newsPehchan: Identifying Transgender and MSM issues in untouched Bihar, UP
indiaaidsallianceIn an ICTC [An information, counselling, and testing centre] in Uttar Pradesh, transgender clients are treated with rudeness and disdain – they are like outcastes among the already stigmatised persons […]Read More

In the newsRun to create awareness about AIDS
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: A large number of people from all over the country came together in the Capital on Sunday to take part in a community run to raise awareness about […]Read More

In the news1,000 run in support of HIV-positive
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Nearly thousand people, including transgenders, sex workers and HIV positive people, ran for over three kilometres on Sunday in south Delhi to create awareness and to support HIV-positive […]Read More

In the newsAffected Communities Run to Show Solidarity on World AIDS Day
indiaaidsallianceDecember 3, 2012, New Delhi : Celebrities, Government Representatives, Activists, Students and Supporters From all Walks of Life Observed World AIDS Day Read More

In the newsHundreds show support to the HIV+
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Nearly a thousand people, including transgenders, sex workers and HIV-positive people, ran for over three kilometres on Sunday in south Delhi to create awareness and to support HIV-positive […]Read More

In the newsRun for cause of HIV-affected people
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: India may have managed to reduce HIV infections by 50 per cent in the past decade, but support to the community is still to pick up keeping in […]Read More

In the newsNew Delhi runs a marathon on World AIDS Day
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi,: Residents of New Delhi, from all walks of life, took part in a marathon on Sunday, a day after World AIDS Day was observed across the country. Read More

In the newsNearly 1,000 run in support of the HIV-positive
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Nearly thousand people, including transgenders, sex workers and HIV positive people, ran for over three kilometres Sunday in south Delhi to create awareness and to support HIV-positive people.Read More

In the newsCross out HIV Stigma
indiaaidsallianceAIDS continues to be a word that generates more anxiety than awareness. Stigma against those living with HIV/AIDS remains the grim reality.Read More

In the newsAdvocacy initiatives for people living with HIV/AIDS
indiaaidsallianceCoimbatore : Around 70 people participated in the advocacy meeting for women living with HIV/AIDS and transgenders, organised by Palmyrah Workers Development Society (PWDS) …Read More

In the newsRights of HIV victims are violated: study
indiaaidsallianceMadurai: Cervical cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer among women but it is easily and treatable, and women affected by AIDS are more prone to cervical cancer — five […]Read More

In the newsServing with a smile
indiaaidsallianceIssue The startling spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic to newer areas has caught the Government unawares. Read More

In the newsA society in denial: Ghosts who live among us, demand basic rights
indiaaidsallianceWith the loss of their traditional role in Indian society, hijras find themselves marginalised at every step. Read More

In the newsServing with a Smile
indiaaidsallianceThe startling spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic to newer areas has caught the Government unawares. Read More

In the newsVMM to the aid of people living with HIV
indiaaidsallianceVijaywada: Empowering the common man to be able to demand their right from Government will be our main aim said Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM) Secretary G. Reshma on Thursday.Read More

In the newsFrom Bar Dancer to NGO Worker
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Over a decade ago, a 14-year-old Parsi boy ran away from his home in Dadar Parsi Colony in Mumbai as his parents did not accept the fact that […]Read More

In the newsHow Healthy Are The healthcare Settings for Transgender or Hijra people?
indiaaidsallianceThe transgender, ‘hijra’ or ‘kinnar’ community is visible as usually its members can be spotted easily by way of their attire and mannerisms. This article appeared in World News Network, […]Read More

In the newsThe Third Gender Does Not Deserve A Third Grade Treatment
indiaaidsallianceRaveena Bariha, the fire brand graduate tribal hijra activist from Chhattisgarh (a relatively backward state of India) is lovingly called the chhota bomb and chhota rocket.Read More

In the newsThird gender option in varsity forms
indiaaidsallianceMumbai: Abheena Aher’s graduation and post-graduation certificates refer to her as a ‘male’. The 35-year-old transgender activist, who completed her post-graduation in Mumbai, didn’t have a choice.Read More

In the newsLandmark meet on sexual minorities: National Hijra Habba Consultation
indiaaidsalliancePehchan, in association with India HIV/AIDS Alliance, recently organized a national consultation, aptly called Hijra Habba (Habba is a Kannada word meaning festival), in Delhi…Read More

In the newsCome together right now, over me
indiaaidsallianceViolence against trasngenders is routinised. “It begins at our own homes from biological family members, relatives, neighbours; in educational institutions and the friend circle,” says Akkai Padmashali from Sangama in […]Read More

In the newsIndia Third Gender Community Demands Social Equality and Its Own Passport Designation
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: On Saturday, members of India’s transgender and hijra community convened in New Delhi for the first Hijra Habba in order to discuss ways to ameliorate the persistent discrimination […]Read More

In the newsHealth system gives eunuch community the go-by
indiaaidsallianceWhile the country’s health system, schemes and officials are still unfriendly to the members of the transgender (TG) and the eunuch community, a different gender definitely not by their own […]Read More

In the newsIGNOU opens doors to hijra, transgender communities
indiaaidsallianceNow they can go for any distance learning course at the varsity. Education will not be a far fetched dream for transgender and hijra communities any more as IGNOU has […]Read More

In the newsNational Hijra Habba (India, 2012): Eunuchs demand equality, special privileges
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Members from the transgender and eunuch community Saturday came together, demanding equality and special privileges for themselves to live with dignity in society.Read More

In the newsIndia’s shunned transgenders struggle to survive
indiaaidsallianceSeema, a husband and father of two, gets ready for another night of work on the streets of the Indian capital, placing two halves of a yellow sponge ball into […]Read More

In the newsTransgender community demands civil, not special, rights
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: “Is it a sin to be born a hijra?” asked Sita, a member of the transgender community, narrating her story of pain and trauma at a public hearing […]Read More

In the newsPehchan marks World AIDS Day
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: Organisations working with groups vulnerable to HIV/AIDS came together on 29 November at YMCA New Delhi for an event organised by the Pehchan programme to commemorate World AIDS […]Read More

In the newsErasing the stigma of HIV
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi : Calling for a continued and expanded effort to protect and support Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM), transgender and ‘hijra’ community in the country.Read More

In the newsCreating awareness about HIV-TB co-infection, training counsellors
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: To create awareness on HIV-TB co-infection among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), non-government organisation Global Health Advocates, India, organised a workshop.Read More

In the newsHIV plan for 200 organisations
indiaaidsallianceNew Delhi: It took more than a decade for Abhina Aher, a transgender to finally be allowed to be in her skin.Read More