The figures provided below represent the cumulative data as of 2nd June 2023. Supporting People living with HIV During the challenging times of unrest in Manipur, Alliance India […]Read More

Article, Press Release, StoryEmpowering the Transgender Community: Alliance India Initiates Transgender ID Card Registration Drive
Arya VatsaNew Delhi, 11th May 2023 — Alliance India, a leading development organisation, organised a transformative camp aimed at empowering the transgender community by facilitating their registration on the National Transgender […]Read More

Press Release, StoryInnovaccer Provides Support to Ensure Quality Health Services to Children Living with HIV
Arya Vatsa 04th May 2023 – Innovaccer Inc., the data platform that accelerates healthcare innovation, announced its collaboration with Alliance India, a development organisation, for carrying out social responsibility activities such […]Read More

Blog, StoryMarriage is only between a biological male and biological female,” Centre tells Supreme Court
Arya VatsaBasing its argument on personal laws, the Government of India in its affidavit to the Supreme Court said that ‘’the concept of marriage is a concept essentially emanating from personal […]Read More