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Here are some of the ways you can get involved in our mission

Alliance India’s success relies on a skilled team, and we look for capable and motivated individuals to join us. We are an equal opportunity employer and is committed to treating all employees and applicants equally without regard to background, culture, race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, geographic origin, HIV status, disability, and any other basis protected by law. All qualified individuals, particularly people living with HIV and those affected by the epidemic are encouraged to join our team.

Open Positions

Technical Lead: EVTHS

Reporting to Head: Care & Support, the Technical Lead will be overall responsible for the effective planning and implementation of Alliance India’s Global Fund-supported national-level programme specifically focusing on the Elimination of Vertical Transmission of HIV and Syphilis (EVTHS) component. The person will be responsible for strategising the programme implementation plan for EVTHS and the effective management of its advocacy and policy initiatives.

Technical Officer: Monitoring & Evaluation

The Technical Officer: Monitoring and Evaluation will be responsible for providing programmatic, technical, and organisational development support to Alliance India’s network of state-level principal partner NGOs, their programmes & implementing partners. The responsibilities include but are not limited to onsite data verification visits, handholding, and capacity building of partners in data collection, quality assurance, and reporting. The person will be responsible for managing CMIS and data collection, as well as entry and reporting applications. The person will support the programme evaluations and analysis and provide feedback on programming. The candidate must be very strong in reporting and have experience managing a huge volume of programmatic data and its analysis and interpretation. Previous experience in the health domain, especially PLHIV, sexuality, gender, and rights-related programming at the State or national level, will be useful.

Alliance India