HIV is not just a medical issue but also a social matter that requires a holistic, community-based response. (Photo by Peter Caton for India HIV/AIDS Alliance) It has been 25 […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogProtecting Rights to Ensure Health: International Drug Users Day 2013
indiaaidsallianceNovember 1st is International Drug Users Day. Initiated in 1995 by the Dutch drug user organization, Landelijk Steunpunt Druggebruikers (LSD), the day aims to raise awareness and increase action to […]Read More

Action, BlogFighting for the Right to Health for Women Living with HIV: A Success in Gujarat
indiaaidsallianceIt was 5am. Anita (name changed) was about to give birth. The labour pain was leaving her numb. Her family rushed her to the nearby government hospital, but the doctors […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogInternational Youth Day 2013: Putting Youth Living with HIV in the Mix
indiaaidsallianceFifty percent of India’s population is below 25 years of age. As they mature sexually, adolescents—especially those from high-risk groups—face vulnerability to HIV and experience a range of unmet sexual […]Read More

Action, BlogTechnical Support for a Stronger HIV Response in South Asia
indiaaidsallianceA transgender from Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, Padmini takes pride in her role as a Technical Support Provider (TSP) for Alliance India’s Koshish programme. Supported by European Commission, Koshish advocates […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogThe Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Do WHO’s New ARV Guidelines Serve the Needs of Key Populations?
indiaaidsallianceOne of the highlights of the recently concluded 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was the launch by World Health Organization (WHO) of new […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogAdvocating for Cervical Cancer Testing for Women Living With HIV: Experiences from the Koshish Programme in India
indiaaidsallianceSexual & reproductive health (SRH) services must respond to the specific needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Unfortunately, this is typically still not the case in India. PLHIV face […]Read More

Action, BlogNew Advocacy to Address Cervical Cancer in Women Living with HIV
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India’s Koshish programme advocates for policies and strategies on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and rights for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in India. The programme is implemented in […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogInternational Women’s Day 2013: Empowering Women Living with HIV
indiaaidsallianceInternational Women’s Day was first officially observed in 1911 and remains an annual opportunity to call for change and celebrate the many acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogFalling Through the Net No More: Community Advocacy Expands Sexual & Reproductive Health Services for PLHIV
indiaaidsallianceSexual & reproductive health (SRH) services must become responsive to the specific needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Unfortunately, this is typically not the case in India. PLHIV face […]Read More