March 1 is Zero Discrimination Day. HIV-related discrimination continues to plague the lives of people living with HIV (PLHIV). They are treated in dehumanizing ways, face barriers in accessing basic […]Read More

Action, BlogRealising ART Adherence among People Who Inject Drugs in India
indiaaidsallianceAdherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is strongly correlated with HIV viral suppression, reduced rates of resistance, an increase in survival, and improved quality of life. Yet there are numerous cases […]Read More

Action, BlogFighting for the Right to Health for Women Living with HIV: A Success in Gujarat
indiaaidsallianceIt was 5am. Anita (name changed) was about to give birth. The labour pain was leaving her numb. Her family rushed her to the nearby government hospital, but the doctors […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogRenewing Our Commitment to the Global Response to HIV/AIDS
indiaaidsallianceGlobally, the incidence of new HIV infections and the number of AIDS-related deaths are decreasing. According to a recent report by UNAIDS, the annual number of deaths fell from 2.3 […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogThe Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Do WHO’s New ARV Guidelines Serve the Needs of Key Populations?
indiaaidsallianceOne of the highlights of the recently concluded 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was the launch by World Health Organization (WHO) of new […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogAdvocating for Cervical Cancer Testing for Women Living With HIV: Experiences from the Koshish Programme in India
indiaaidsallianceSexual & reproductive health (SRH) services must respond to the specific needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Unfortunately, this is typically still not the case in India. PLHIV face […]Read More

Action, BlogNew Advocacy to Address Cervical Cancer in Women Living with HIV
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India’s Koshish programme advocates for policies and strategies on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and rights for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in India. The programme is implemented in […]Read More

Action, BlogCoffee, Noodles and Harm Reduction: A Menu to Reach Women Who Use Drugs in Manipur
indiaaidsallianceIn an effort to increase uptake of essential harm reduction services in Manipur, India, the Chanura Kol project did more than expand its service menu to reach women who inject […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogJoin us for the World AIDS Day All-India Run & Cultural Event! (Sunday, 2 December 2012 in New Delhi)
indiaaidsallianceWorld AIDS Day 2012 All-India Run and Cultural Event ***8am-2pm (***PLEASE note EARLIER starting time!) Sunday, 2 December 2012 New Delhi Organized by: India HIV/AIDS Alliance Co-sponsored by: Population Council; Citibank; UNDP; Centre […]Read More

Action, BlogAdvocating for Cervical Cancer Testing for Women Living With HIV
indiaaidsallianceThe Koshish Project recently held an advocacy meeting to discuss frequent non-compliance with the National AIDS Control Organisation’s (NACO) Revised Technical Guidelines on ‘Laboratory Monitoring for Patients at ART Centre/LAC/LAC Plus’ to […]Read More