Malika (her name changed) remembers feeling helpless when a government hospital refused to treat her for a painful and dangerous infection that had resulted from her sex reassignment surgery (SRS). […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogSlow but steady: India’s march to equality for sexual minorities
indiaaidsallianceOver the past five years or so, India has witnessed seismic shifts in matters concerning the human rights of sexual minorities. Despite being stymied by right-wing groups cutting across religious […]Read More

Action, BlogThree Tiers of Oversight: Accountability, Ownership & Programme Governance under Pehchan
indiaaidsallianceIn order to ensure transparent and ethical programme governance, the Pehchan team has established a three-tier system guided by stakeholders across a wide-ranging spectrum, comprising representation from the MSM, transgender […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogFrom Inequality to Inclusion: Recognizing the Vulnerabilities of Sexual Minorities in the Response to the Delhi Gang-Rape
indiaaidsallianceConvened in the aftermath of the horrific gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi this past December, a special commission headed by former Chief Justice J.S. Verma […]Read More

Action, BlogAvahan in Andhra Pradesh: Expanded Access and Increased Impact
indiaaidsallianceAvahan India AIDS Initiative is a focused prevention initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that works in six states of India to reduce HIV transmission and the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogRemembering Sukanya: International Transgender Day of Remembrance 2012
indiaaidsallianceThis Diwali, Aarthi called. I expected her usual warm greetings and was unprepared for her distressed voice. “I wanted to tell you sooner but could not get you on the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogMaking Pehchan: Why the Global Fund Matters for Sexual Minorities
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India’s own Sonal Mehta is now a blogger for The Huffington Post’s “Big Push” campaign, an effort to galvanize increased support for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogWhat India’s Politicians Can Learn from President Obama’s Victory Speech
indiaaidsalliance“I believe we can keep the promise of our founding, the idea that if you’re willing to work hard, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogSharing Experiences Across Borders: Alliance India Hosts International Horizontal Learning Exchange on MSM and Transgender Programming and Advocacy
indiaaidsallianceLast week, Alliance India hosted a four day information sharing and learning exchange for Alliance partner organisations from Mongolia, Myanmar, Kenya and Indonesia. Comprised of discussions, workshops and visits to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogIncreasing Civil Society Involvement in the Fight Against HIV in China
indiaaidsallianceIndia HIV/AIDS Alliance recently hosted a study tour of the Pehchan project for the China Association of STD and AIDS Prevention and Control (AIDS Association). This tour came in the […]Read More