The meeting hall was occupied by men and women in white clothes, be it sarees, trousers or shirts. Even the shoes and sandals were in the same colour! Aprons in […]Read More

Action, BlogMentorship for Improved HIV Prevention in Key Populations
asaxenaSupported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), India HIV/AIDS Alliance’s Nirantar programme complements the existing national HIV program in helping to ensure quality prevention services in […]Read More

Action, BlogHalf the Earth
Sreekumar VAs I concluded my recent technical support visits and returned to Delhi, I was filled with many thoughts and new learning. This happens every time we visit the community and […]Read More

Action, BlogAdvocating for Stigma-free Healthcare for Female Sex Workers
indiaaidsallianceWhile conducting community consultations in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, the Koshish programme team learned that female sex workers (FSWs) in the district faced numerous challenges in accessing healthcare […]Read More

Action, Blog“Fearless”: Improving Sexual & Reproductive Health of Female Sex Workers
indiaaidsallianceIn India, as elsewhere, female sex workers (FSW) have considerable unmet sexual & reproductive health (SRH) needs due to their occupation and social marginalization. They shy away from accessing SRH […]Read More

Advocacy, Blog‘Has anything changed?’ A Decade of International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
indiaaidsallianceThe International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers was created to call attention to violence and other hate crimes committed against sex workers all over the world. Conceptualised by […]Read More

Action, BlogKeeping Violence at Bay in Andhra Pradesh: International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers 2013
indiaaidsalliance“I filed an application for a ration card in the mandal (block) administrative office. The clerk made me come to office 15 times, and every time he slept with me,” […]Read More

Action, BlogStrengthening STI Services for Key Populations: Alliance India’s Mythri Mainstreaming Model
indiaaidsallianceProviding STI/HIV services in rural areas with fewer and scattered key populations (female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgenders) is a challenge for HIV prevention programmes in […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogAlliance India at IAS 2013 Kuala Lumpur
indiaaidsallianceThe 7th Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention is taking place this week in Kuala Lumpur. India HIV/AIDS Alliance is participating in this year’s meeting, including presenting four posters […]Read More

Action, BlogAvahan in Andhra Pradesh: Expanded Access and Increased Impact
indiaaidsallianceAvahan India AIDS Initiative is a focused prevention initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that works in six states of India to reduce HIV transmission and the […]Read More