Alliance India condemns the atrocities committed by Delhi police officials from Dabri Police Station early morning today, where they gave death threats and assaulted five transgender residents, including one staff […]Read More

BlogInternational Transgender Day of Visibility 2022: Defining the visibility from a wider approach beyond the access to inclusive services
Amrita Sarkar March 31 is dedicated to celebrating the existence of transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. This special day is known as the International […]Read More

BlogLove them and let them love you!
Aakriti GuptaI didn’t know who a transgender was until I started my professional journey at Alliance India. Coming from a science background, I always thought transgender persons were only those people […]Read More

Action, BlogSuccessful sensitisation of Health Care Providers
asaxenaThe meeting hall was occupied by men and women in white clothes, be it sarees, trousers or shirts. Even the shoes and sandals were in the same colour! Aprons in […]Read More

Action, BlogWajood: My Strength Is My Identity
asaxenaMita, a transgender from Karnataka, was admitted in a local hospital in Raichur as she was suffering from appendicitis-related pain. However, she was denied treatment, because she was transgender and […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogAct Against Homophobia and Transphobia!
asaxenaMay 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, and the theme for 2016 is “Mental Health & Wellbeing.” As I hear this theme, I am reminded of a […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogUnfinished Business for Transgenders in India
asaxenaToday, it is two years since the historic Supreme Court of India NALSA judgment, which acknowledged transgenders and Hijras of India as Third Gender, thus giving legal recognition to this […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogDo I Count?
Bini PhilipsI was born and raised in Kolkata, when it was still called Calcutta, into an educated middle class family. An only child, I was born male. I think I must […]Read More