I was one of those fortunate ones who recently got an opportunity to visit a project site and become familiar with the real work we do at the grassroots level. […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogPeople who use drugs ≠ “addicts”. Stop the labelling.
asaxenaNovember 1st is International Drug Users Day, we stand in solidarity with millions of people using drugs who live their daily lives in harsh, extremely risky environments accentuated by the […]Read More

Action, BlogSuccessful sensitisation of Health Care Providers
asaxenaThe meeting hall was occupied by men and women in white clothes, be it sarees, trousers or shirts. Even the shoes and sandals were in the same colour! Aprons in […]Read More

Action, BlogOut of the Shadows: Women who Use Drugs in India
indiaaidsallianceWomen who use drugs are collectively failed by India’s HIV response! This systemic neglect involves government departments, civil society and the private sector. While government programs have done well to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogAre harm reduction strategies working?
indiaaidsallianceObserved every year on 26th June, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking remains focused largely on protecting society from the evils of drugs. There is however a burning need to consider […]Read More

Action, BlogThe Pain of Being ‘the Other’: How Stigma Fuels HIV/AIDS among People Who Inject Drugs in India
indiaaidsallianceBorn in a poor family in a remote district of Haryana, Paul (name changed) learnt from childhood to be by himself. He was dragged to work at the age of […]Read More

Action, BlogRealising ART Adherence among People Who Inject Drugs in India
indiaaidsallianceAdherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is strongly correlated with HIV viral suppression, reduced rates of resistance, an increase in survival, and improved quality of life. Yet there are numerous cases […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogProtecting Rights to Ensure Health: International Drug Users Day 2013
indiaaidsallianceNovember 1st is International Drug Users Day. Initiated in 1995 by the Dutch drug user organization, Landelijk Steunpunt Druggebruikers (LSD), the day aims to raise awareness and increase action to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogToo Little, Too Late is Not Enough: International Overdose Awareness Day 2013
indiaaidsallianceIn the past few years, a number of famous celebrities including Michael Jackson have died due to fatal drug overdose. The media is quick to target the lifestyles of these […]Read More

Action, BlogThe Chanura Kol Project
indiaaidsalliance[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO0kfUI3CWc&w=853&h=480] The India HIV/AIDS Alliance in partnership with SASO, implements the Chanura Kol project in Manipur. This project is funded by the Elton John AIDS Foundation and serves to […]Read More