Avahan India AIDS Initiative is a focused prevention initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that works in six states of India to reduce HIV transmission and the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogMaking Pehchan: Why the Global Fund Matters for Sexual Minorities
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India’s own Sonal Mehta is now a blogger for The Huffington Post’s “Big Push” campaign, an effort to galvanize increased support for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogWhat India’s Politicians Can Learn from President Obama’s Victory Speech
indiaaidsalliance“I believe we can keep the promise of our founding, the idea that if you’re willing to work hard, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogSharing Experiences Across Borders: Alliance India Hosts International Horizontal Learning Exchange on MSM and Transgender Programming and Advocacy
indiaaidsallianceLast week, Alliance India hosted a four day information sharing and learning exchange for Alliance partner organisations from Mongolia, Myanmar, Kenya and Indonesia. Comprised of discussions, workshops and visits to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogIncreasing Civil Society Involvement in the Fight Against HIV in China
indiaaidsallianceIndia HIV/AIDS Alliance recently hosted a study tour of the Pehchan project for the China Association of STD and AIDS Prevention and Control (AIDS Association). This tour came in the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogMedia Advocacy for addressing MTH issues
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India in Andhra Pradesh conducted a Media Advocacy Meet this week (September 17, 2012) in Hyderabad to discuss the human right issues of men who have sex with men, […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogEngaging Law Enforcement Authorities for HIV Prevention: Experiences from Avahan in Andhra Pradesh
indiaaidsallianceAs police are the mandated protectors of the civil rights of all the citizens, they need to be aware of, and protect, the rights of sex workers and men who […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogSeparate hospital wards for transgenders soon to be a reality
indiaaidsallianceIn India, there is documented evidence of transgenders and hijras facing repeated stigmatisation and discrimination, in violation of their dignity and basic human rights. Pehchan, as part of the programme’s advocacy […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogHIV/SRHR Integration for MSM and Transgender People
indiaaidsallianceMen who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as to choose who to have sex with […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogPehchan featured in Lancet article!
indiaaidsallianceThe Lancet — one of the world’s best known, oldest, and most respected medical journals — released a special themed issue at AIDS 2012 describing some progress and the many ongoing […]Read More