In the past few years, a number of famous celebrities including Michael Jackson have died due to fatal drug overdose. The media is quick to target the lifestyles of these […]Read More

Action, BlogRegistering for a Healthy Life: Chanura Kol Helps Women Who Inject Drugs
indiaaidsallianceChochong was married at the young age of 15. Unable to cope with her husband’s abuse, she was tempted to try drugs. It was an easy way for her to […]Read More

Action, BlogLeading by Example: People from Drug-using Backgrounds Strengthen Harm Reduction Interventions in India
indiaaidsallianceEffective harm reduction programming requires the involvement of people who inject drugs (PWID). This approach helps ensure the accessibility and responsiveness of harm reduction services. With this in mind, Alliance […]Read More

Action, BlogDetox and a New Life: Supporting Options for Women Who Inject Drugs in Manipur
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India’s Chanura Kol project offers a range of harm reduction services for women who inject drugs to help them lead a better life. Detoxification is the most important option […]Read More

Action, BlogCoffee, Noodles and Harm Reduction: A Menu to Reach Women Who Use Drugs in Manipur
indiaaidsallianceIn an effort to increase uptake of essential harm reduction services in Manipur, India, the Chanura Kol project did more than expand its service menu to reach women who inject […]Read More

Action, BlogChanging a Habit of Addiction in the Land of the Gods
indiaaidsallianceUttarakhand’s natural beauty has captivated tourists and residents alike for centuries. Wildlife and nature enthusiasts, pilgrims, and even those wanting an escape from city life have turned to the serenity […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogFrom Addiction to Action
indiaaidsallianceFrancis Joseph is Programme Officer for Hridaya, our HIV and harm reduction programme in India supported through the five-country Community Action on Harm Reduction (CAHR) programme with funding from the Government of the […]Read More

Action, BlogUniting Against Discrimination: Women form advocacy groups to respond to cases of violence
indiaaidsallianceAlliance India understands the power of community participation and engagement. In partnership with the Manipur-based local NGO, Social Awareness Service Organisation (SASO), the Chanura Kol project has established four Core […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogWomen Out Loud: New UNAIDS/UNWomen Publication Cites Our Chanura Kol Project
indiaaidsallianceUNAIDS and UN Women recently released Women Out Loud, a new report on women living with HIV and the key role that they play in ending the epidemic. A UNAIDS feature […]Read More

Action, BlogHIV positive women who inject drugs provided with emergency support
indiaaidsallianceOver the last year, Chanura Kol has reached out to more than hundred women who inject drugs, many of whom are HIV positive and all of whom were in need of […]Read More