In the bitter cold of January 20th, Roobina, a young woman, was forced to deliver her baby on a pavement in Bhopal because she was not able to pay the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogAn Extended Family for PLHIV: Vihaan Care & Support Centres
amritaDuring a recent regional review meeting, the Vihaan team caught up with Prashant Malaiya, Deputy Director Madhya Pradesh State AIDS Control Society to learn more about his perspective on the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogBeyond the Worries: Vihaan’s PLHIV Support Groups
amritaPeople living with HIV (PLHIV) often find themselves facing questions they can’t answer. Many of them are reluctant to raise their concerns with family and friends. Take the case of […]Read More

UncategorizedGive a Gift of Love: Better Health For HIV+ Adolescents
amritaAlliance India’s year-end fundraising appeal supports our growing efforts to improve health among HIV-positive adolescents in India and increase their social wellbeing by providing them livelihood opportunities. Learn more here. […]Read More
Press ReleaseFirst Anniversary of India’s Gay Sex Ban: LGBT community gathers to protest human rights violations
amritaIndia HIV/AIDS Alliance held a public hearing on increase in violence and discrimination cases against sexual minorities since the Section 377 verdict in 2013. New Delhi: The Supreme Court of […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogSpeaking Out for Sexual Health
amritaAccess to antiretroviral treatment (ART) has helped enable people living with HIV (PLHIV) to live longer, fulfilling lives. Improved health and wellbeing has allowed PLHIV to plan for their futures, […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogEnd the War on Drug Users
amritaNovember 1st has been observed as International Drug Users Day since 1995. Globally, there is a growing movement by activists and policy experts calling for de-criminalisation of drug users. India […]Read More

Action, BlogCommunity Catalysts: Pehchan Counselors Transform Lives
amritaOutreach workers and counselors in our Global Fund-supported Pehchan programme play an invaluable and often transformational role for the MSM, transgender and hijra community members they serve. Not only do […]Read More

Action, BlogStigma to Strength: A Widow’s Triumph
amritaLalmuni Devi needs no introduction in Sarenja village. Situated in western Bihar, Sarenja is poverty-stricken with hardly any means of livelihood and even fewer employment opportunities. In this rural underbelly […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogKeeping up the Momentum on AIDS
amritaThe HIV response in India finds itself at a crossroad – a choice between consolidating gains and frittering them away into a resurgence of the epidemic. The struggle began when […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogDon’t Delay, Test Now!
amritaIt was the summer of 1999. I clearly remember those two nights. Sleepless and anxious, I just prayed that my son did not have HIV. A day earlier I had tested positive, […]Read More