International Women’s Day was first officially observed in 1911 and remains an annual opportunity to call for change and celebrate the many acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogFalling Through the Net No More: Community Advocacy Expands Sexual & Reproductive Health Services for PLHIV
indiaaidsallianceSexual & reproductive health (SRH) services must become responsive to the specific needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Unfortunately, this is typically not the case in India. PLHIV face […]Read More

Action, BlogAdvocating for Cervical Cancer Testing for Women Living With HIV
indiaaidsallianceThe Koshish Project recently held an advocacy meeting to discuss frequent non-compliance with the National AIDS Control Organisation’s (NACO) Revised Technical Guidelines on ‘Laboratory Monitoring for Patients at ART Centre/LAC/LAC Plus’ to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogSharing Experiences Across Borders: Alliance India Hosts International Horizontal Learning Exchange on MSM and Transgender Programming and Advocacy
indiaaidsallianceLast week, Alliance India hosted a four day information sharing and learning exchange for Alliance partner organisations from Mongolia, Myanmar, Kenya and Indonesia. Comprised of discussions, workshops and visits to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogCreating Change One Peer Group at a Time
indiaaidsallianceThe Action Project empowers youth by educating them about issues that are important to them and discussing subjects that no one has talked to them about before. In conservative areas […]Read More

Action, BlogIt Takes Two: The role of sensitizing partners in the fight against drug-use driven HIV
indiaaidsallianceThe excruciating pain Sameera (name changed) experienced in her abdomen came out of the blue. Unable to afford the doctor’s fee to treat the ailment, she resorted to home remedies. […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogListening to the voices of communities to get to the heart of change
indiaaidsallianceThe social challenges in understanding and promoting the sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of people living with HIV (PLHIV) are numerous. These include the social stigma and discrimination against […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogHow integration responds to the SRHR needs of sex workers
indiaaidsallianceSex workers have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as to choose who to have sex with and to have sexual relations free from violence. […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogHIV/SRHR Integration for MSM and Transgender People
indiaaidsallianceMen who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as to choose who to have sex with […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogHow Integration Responds to the SRHR Needs of PLHIV
indiaaidsalliancePeople living with HIV (PLHIV) have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as the right to choose who to have sex with and to have […]Read More