Since the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, there has been a slow but steady expansion of international agreements that promote and protect the rights […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogMy Trans Reality: An Interview with Tista Das, Founder, SRS Solutions
indiaaidsallianceAn important step in the process of self-affirmation for many transgender people is to adapt their physical appearance to align with their gender identity. Many transgenders face significant challenges in […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogMore or Less Equal: Reflections on Freedom
indiaaidsallianceThe Indian Constitution declares that all Indians are granted the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression. On Independence Day, Shaleen Rakesh explores what freedom means for young Indians struggling […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogFrom India with Love: Bringing Pehchan to the Trans-Health Conference in Philadelphia, USA
indiaaidsalliance“FINALLY!!!” read the email from Jacsen, coordinator of this year’s Trans-Health Conference in Philadelphia, as he sent my plane tickets on the morning we were scheduled to travel. The ticket had […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogTransforming Identity: New Pehchan Issue Brief on Gender Transition Services in India
indiaaidsallianceSex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and cross-sex hormonal therapy are two essential health services required for Male-to-Female (MtF) transgender people to help them align their bodies with their gender identity. Available […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogFrom Inequality to Inclusion: Recognizing the Vulnerabilities of Sexual Minorities in the Response to the Delhi Gang-Rape
indiaaidsallianceConvened in the aftermath of the horrific gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi this past December, a special commission headed by former Chief Justice J.S. Verma […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogThe Other Epidemic: Gender-based Violence in India
indiaaidsallianceThe world has watched over the past weeks as India has struggled to address the causes and consequences of sexual violence, an all too common part of life in this […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogWhat India’s Politicians Can Learn from President Obama’s Victory Speech
indiaaidsalliance“I believe we can keep the promise of our founding, the idea that if you’re willing to work hard, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogHow integration responds to the SRHR needs of sex workers
indiaaidsallianceSex workers have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as to choose who to have sex with and to have sexual relations free from violence. […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogUS State Department’s latest Human Rights Report details the status of LGBT rights around the world
indiaaidsalliance“As Secretary, I have worked with my superb team on advancing human rights in a 21st century landscape, focusing on new frontiers even as we stand up against age-old abuses. Where […]Read More