As in other parts of the country, sex workers are found across Andhra Pradesh, and effective HIV programming requires community mobilisation that is responsive to their lives on the ground. […]Read More

Action, BlogThe Avahan Decade
indiaaidsallianceSo much has been written about Avahan – by implementers, academics, and journalists – that to write more might be unnecessary. Many have reflected on the complexity of the programme […]Read More

Action, BlogKeeping Violence at Bay in Andhra Pradesh: International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers 2013
indiaaidsalliance“I filed an application for a ration card in the mandal (block) administrative office. The clerk made me come to office 15 times, and every time he slept with me,” […]Read More

Action, BlogStrengthening STI Services for Key Populations: Alliance India’s Mythri Mainstreaming Model
indiaaidsallianceProviding STI/HIV services in rural areas with fewer and scattered key populations (female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgenders) is a challenge for HIV prevention programmes in […]Read More

Action, BlogCommunity Collectivisation to Sustain HIV Prevention: Findings from Avahan in Andhra Pradesh
indiaaidsallianceCommunity collectivisation can help develop a stronger sense of purpose and interconnectedness among key populations (KPs) such as female sex workers, men who sex with men and transgenders. Sometimes known […]Read More

Action, BlogWorld TB Day 2013: Reducing tuberculosis burden through verbal screening of most-at-risk populations in Andhra Pradesh, India
indiaaidsallianceIndia’s tuberculosis (TB) burden accounts for one-fifth of the global cases of the disease. In 2011, there were an estimated 3.1 million Indians affected by active TB. The problem is […]Read More

Action, BlogAvahan in Andhra Pradesh: Expanded Access and Increased Impact
indiaaidsallianceAvahan India AIDS Initiative is a focused prevention initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that works in six states of India to reduce HIV transmission and the […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogHow integration responds to the SRHR needs of sex workers
indiaaidsallianceSex workers have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as to choose who to have sex with and to have sexual relations free from violence. […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogEngaging Law Enforcement Authorities for HIV Prevention: Experiences from Avahan in Andhra Pradesh
indiaaidsallianceAs police are the mandated protectors of the civil rights of all the citizens, they need to be aware of, and protect, the rights of sex workers and men who […]Read More
Action, BlogVerbal screening of TB for at-risk populations – A case study
indiaaidsallianceTuberculosis poses a huge public health challenge in India, with an estimated 2.3 million incident cases of TB occurring every year. It is estimated that between 5% and 6.4% of […]Read More