Today, thousands of people who use drugs (PWUD) in India benefit from harm reduction services. There are over 150 NGO-operated Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) centres in the country. In addition, […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogEnd the War on Drug Users
amritaNovember 1st has been observed as International Drug Users Day since 1995. Globally, there is a growing movement by activists and policy experts calling for de-criminalisation of drug users. India […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogProtecting Rights to Ensure Health: International Drug Users Day 2013
indiaaidsallianceNovember 1st is International Drug Users Day. Initiated in 1995 by the Dutch drug user organization, Landelijk Steunpunt Druggebruikers (LSD), the day aims to raise awareness and increase action to […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogIgnorance is Not Bliss: Why HIV-Hepatitis C Co-infection among People Who Inject Drugs is a Crisis in India
indiaaidsallianceHIV-Hepatitis C co-infection is emerging a complex and urgent problem. Umesh Sharma, executive member of the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD), has been working for many years […]Read More

Advocacy, BlogWorld Hepatitis Day 2013: Making Hepatitis C a Priority
indiaaidsallianceA dear friend of mine was struggling as a single mother, working two jobs and balancing drug use. To make things simpler, she quit the jobs and started working from […]Read More