Priyam Ghosh identifies herself as a lesbian feminist, a queer scholar, and has been working as an Assistant Professor in IP University affiliated college teaching media to undergraduate students. She […]Read More

StoryWe are just looking for your support because coming out is a very scary thing to do
Anurag PaulCharvi Agarwal is a software engineer and lives in New York. She grew up in New Delhi, where she also completed her Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering. She earned her Master’s […]Read More

StoryI am not straight, I like girls, not boys and will never like them the way I feel about feminine human beings
Anurag PaulDr Kasturi Chakraborti is a dentist and a public health researcher specialising in mental health research by profession. She is an internationally published author on research pertaining to self-harm and […]Read More

StoryPride Month 2021: Visibility, mainstreaming and inclusion matters most
Anurag PaulEvery year in the month of June, we celebrate Pride Month globally where we celebrate our friends and family members who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ). […]Read More