Linkages Final Report
allianceindia The LINKAGES Project (Linkages across the continuum of HIV services for key populations affected by HIV) was implemented by India HIV/AIDS Alliance in partnership with FHI 360 in five […]Read More
Assessment of Standards of Care in Services for People Who Use Drugs in India
Alliance IndiaThe present document looks at existing models and modalities of treatment followed for providing care and support for PWUD in India, and the standards followed in various addiction treatment facilities […]Read More
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)-Prayas
Alliance IndiaPre exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is the pre-emptive use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to reduce the probability of HIV negative individuals acquiring HIV infection especially persons who engage in high-risk activity. […]Read More
Community preparedness for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among hijras/transgender women in India: Endline assessment, with comparison of baseline findings
Alliance IndiaIndia HIV/AIDS Alliance conducted this endline study to examine whether Prayas has increased the awareness and demand of PrEP among TGW; and to measure specific outcomes and impact of Prayas […]Read More