On 17/2/2017, I felt severe pain in my shoulder and decided to visit a hospital. On reaching there, I proceeded to the OPD (Out Patient Department) registration desk. The female […]Read More

Action, BlogShatter the Silence
asaxenaRapes and physical assaults faced by transgenders and hijras are more common than one would like to admit, especially in a country like India wherein patriarchal norms and machismo idea […]Read More

Action, BlogUnfinished Business: Transgender Empowerment in India
asaxenaThe recent National Hijra Habba – our 4th – was an enormous success! It was organized as a part of the Amplify Change-funded Wajood project that works in five Indian […]Read More

Action, BlogWajood: My Strength Is My Identity
asaxenaMita, a transgender from Karnataka, was admitted in a local hospital in Raichur as she was suffering from appendicitis-related pain. However, she was denied treatment, because she was transgender and […]Read More

Action, BlogA Day to Remember
asaxenaOn my recent visit to Alliance India, two of my colleagues, Abhina and Mona, kindly took time out of their busy schedules to introduce me to two community-based organizations (CBOs) […]Read More