The guidelines support State AIDS Control Societies, programme partners, and care & support centre (CSC) staff to successfully implement CSCs and provide the full range of care & support services […]Read More

Community Action on Harm Reduction Project: 2012 Annual Report
Alliance IndiaDuring 2012 the project has been fully operational in all of the project countries providing services to people who inject drugs and their families and partners. As of January 1st, […]Read More

Understanding Barriers to Sexual & Reproductive Health for FSW: An SRH Needs Assessment
Alliance IndiaA qualitative research study was conducted by Alliance through focus group discussions with FSW in Andhra Pradesh to identify their SRH needs.Read More

Combination Collaboration: The making of the Global Fund-supported Pehchan program in India
Alliance IndiaPresented at International AIDS Conference 2012: Leveraging government commitment, donor processes and community mobilization to develop a national program to build the capacity of MSM and transgender populations as HIV […]Read More

Key Linkages & Key Populations: Is HIV/SRHR Integration Serving the Needs of Vulnerable Communities?
Alliance IndiaThis policy brief is based on the experiences and lessons from a wide range of organisations around the world. In particular, it is informed by a global review of good […]Read More

HIV/SRHR Integration for Sex Workers
Alliance IndiaSex workers have the same sexual and reproductive rights as anyone else – such as to choose who to have sex with and to have sexual relations free from violence. […]Read More

HIV/SRHR Integration for People Living with HIV
Alliance IndiaThis brief specifically focuses on the importance, but also challenges, of HIV/SRHR integration for people living with HIV (PLHIV). It is based on the experiences of a growing number of […]Read More

HIV/SRHR Integration for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People
Alliance IndiaThis brief specifically focuses on the importance, but also challenges, of HIV/SRHR integration for MSM and transgender people.Read More

HIV/SRHR Integration for People Who Use Drugs
Alliance IndiaThis brief focuses on the importance, but also challenges, of HIV/SRHR integration for people who use drugs. It is based on the experiences of a growing number of groups working […]Read More

AIDS 2012 Conference Posters
Bini PhilipsA collection of all conference posters presented by Alliance India at the 19th International AIDS Conference in 2012. Read More