This publication contains the Alliance’s experiences of implementing a comprehensive care and support programme for IDUs living with HIV and their families in collaboration with its state partner organisation in […]Read More

Peer Education: Training Manual
Alliance IndiaThis training manual describes ways in which NGOs may design, deliver and manage training programmes for peer educators. Its purpose is to assist NGOs design and implement strategies and work-plans […]Read More

THE MAGIC BUS – A Flipbook on Basics of HIV/AIDS
Alliance IndiaThis flip book essentially caters to the needs of outreach workers and counselors in the field who need tools to explain the basics of HIV to children between the age […]Read More

Focused Prevention in Andhra Pradesh
Alliance IndiaThis brochure highlights the work of the India HIV/AIDS Alliance and its lead partners from programmes initiated in Andhra Pradesh.The Alliance initiated two focused prevention programmes – the Frontier Prevention […]Read More

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (WLHA) – A Flipbook
Alliance IndiaThis flip-book addresses the specific sexual reproductive health needs of women living with HIV/AIDS (WLHA) including family planning, antenatal and postnatal healthcare. It recommends the need for comprehensive healthcare for […]Read More

Key Indicators for Frontiers Prevention Project: Report on Baseline Study in Andhra Pradesh, India
Alliance IndiaAn evaluation strategy was developed to measure the impact of the FPP package of prevention interventions. As part of this, a baseline survey was carried out with female sex workers […]Read More

Enhancing the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) in NGOs/CBOs in India
Alliance IndiaThis handbook is a resource collection of information sheets and participatory activities for NGOs working on HIV/AIDS who want to work towards a Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV […]Read More

Setting Up and Managing Sexual Health Clinical Services in Resource-Poor Settings: A Comprehensive Programmatic Guide for NGOs (Volume I)
Alliance IndiaThis manual was developed to support the provision of clinical services to key populations (MSM, PLHIV, IDUs) in Andhra Pradesh. The main purpose of this first volume is to assist […]Read More

Clinical Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Resource-Poor Settings: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians (Volume II)
Alliance IndiaThis is the second volume of the manual which was developed to support the provision of clinical services to key populations (MSM, PLHIV and IDUs) in Andhra Pradesh. This volume […]Read More

Women and HIV/AIDS: The Changing Face of the Epidemic in India
Alliance IndiaThis publication looks at the gendered impact of HIV, and argues that the key to tackling the underlying causes of women’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is to listen carefully to women’s […]Read More