Initiated by our Pehchan programme, the ‘207 against 377’ campaign protests the December 2013 Supreme Court judgment that upheld Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, overturning a 2009 Delhi High Court judgment and thus re-criminalizing homosexuality. The decision contemptuously referred to sexual minorities as a “miniscule minority” whose rights are “so-called.”
The ruling has made members of India’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities even more vulnerable to violations of their basic human rights, including discrimination, harassment and violence. Almost immediately, our Pehchan partners saw an impact on our work with men who have sex with men (MSM), transgenders and hijras, as fewer community members sought services as a consequence of the judgment.
[su_quote]The campaign reaches out to various stakeholders including political parties, religious leaders, media, police and educational institutions to increase their understanding of the challenges facing LGBT communities.[/su_quote]
‘207 against 377’ brings together the 207 organisations implementing Pehchan on a common platform to undertake advocacy against the judgment at district, state and national levels.
The campaign reaches out to various stakeholders including political parties, religious leaders, media, police and educational institutions to increase their understanding of the challenges facing LGBT communities. The initiative raises awareness to influence the ongoing legal process to ensure rights, protection and dignity for all LGBT Indians.
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