With the objective to increase awareness and access to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for transgender and hijra communities as a service within combination prevention, Prayas(meaning attempt) project was implemented in November […]Read More

allianceindiaBuilding on the years of experience of closely working with HRG communities on HIV prevention, treatment and care, Alliance India directly implemented LINKAGES project supported by FHI 360 funded by […]Read More

allianceindiaAlliance India piloted WINGS, an intervention model for addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) against women using drugs (WUDs), in 2017 with support from Frontline AIDS. As […]Read More

allianceindiaOver the years, the programme strategies and approaches have evolved to not only provide essential harm reduction services but technical assistance and delivery of a comprehensive package of services. The […]Read More

HR Asia
allianceindiaPeople who inject drugs in Asia are disproportionately affected by HIV, despite the region seeing an overall decline in HIV rates. In 2018, UNAIDS reported HIV prevalence among people who […]Read More

Vihaan – Care and Support Services
allianceindiaVihaan (meaning dawn in Hindi) programme enhances treatment adherence and retention in HIV care for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in India. The programme serves nearly 1.4 million PLHIV through […]Read More
Skill Building & Livelihood
allianceindiaVihaan programme data revealed that there are 4,163 young people between the age bracket of 15-25 which includes 1,470 male, 2,693 females and 189 transgender and more than 70% of […]Read More

allianceindiaAdolescents constitute 22% of India’s total population and there are 0.27 million adolescent and young people living with HIV registered in our Vihaan programme (source: Vihaan CMIS). An analysis of […]Read More