
Linkages is a global project supported …….The LINKAGES project helps countries to use evidence‐based approaches to make comprehensive HIV services available to key populations (KP) at scale and to sustain those services. India HIV/AIDS Alliance is implementing Linkages project in two states, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh focused on six priority districts (Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Krishna, Guntur and East Godavari) reaching 6,600 MSM and TG population and reducing structural barriers with the targeted interventions. With sensitisation for health care providers, we attempt to increase access to health services for key populations by addressing stigma and discrimination. Attempts are also made to address structural barriers such as gender-based violence within targeted interventions of NACO. By capacitating community-based organisations (CBOs), efforts are made to implement effective targeted interventions and improve health seeking behaviour of key communities (i.e. women in sex work, transgender women, men who have sex with men and intravenous drug users) served by the. The project started since August 2017 and will be culminated by April 2019. The larger intended result areas for Linkages project is mentioned below.

  • Result 1: Increased availability of comprehensive prevention, care and treatment services, including reliable coverage across the continuum of care for KPs
  • Result 2: Demand for comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment services among KPs enhanced and sustained.

The project is implemented through five direct implementation sites in collaboration with the CBOs present in the areas to create sustainable and stigma-free health services and stronger linkages for the key populations in collaboration with Family Health International (FHI360) and USAID.

Alliance India